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㈠ 電影《珍珠港》的片中飛機在航空母艦起飛時轟炸東京時的音樂是什麼

When I think back on these times,
and the dreams we left behind
I'll be glad cause I was blessed to get,
to have you in my life
When I look back on these days,
I'll look and see your face
You're right there for me
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the skies
In my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am there you'll be

And everywhere I am there you'll be
Well, you showed me how it feels,
to feel the sky within my reach
And I always will remember all,
the strength you gave to me
Your love made me make it through, oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the skies
In my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am there you'll be

Cause I always saw in you my life, my strength
And I wanna thank you now for all the ways,
you were right there for me
You were right there for me, oh, yeah
In my dreams I'll always see you soar above the skies
In my heart there'll always be a place for you, for all my life

I'll keep a part of you with me,
And everywhere I am there you'll be
And everywhere I am there you'll be
There you'll be

㈡ 《珍珠港》中的插曲《Tennessee》資料

《珍珠港》電影主題曲"There You''ll Be"是抒情金曲才女黛安華倫(Diane Warren)繼"Because You Loved Me"(因為你愛過我)、"How Do I Live"(空中監獄)、"I Don''t Want To Miss A Thing"(世界末日)、"Can''t Fight The Moonlight"(女狼俱樂部)後,又一電影歌曲創作,2000年以抒情榜17周冠軍曲"Breathe"風靡全美,2001年囊括3座葛萊美獎、3座全美音樂獎、3度入選People雜志娛樂界最美可人兒的鄉村跨界國民天後菲絲希爾(Faith Hill)真情呼喚的歌聲將一份永駐心頭的依偎情誼自然涌現。80年代末期為好萊塢電影音樂工業注入新動力的音樂家漢斯季默(Hans Zimmer)繼深受全球音響發燒友最愛的「絕地任務」後,再度為麥可貝執導的影片創作音樂,著名創作包括:奧斯卡得獎作「獅子王」跟「雨人」、「埃及王子」、「神鬼戰士」等7度獲奧斯卡提名的漢斯季默緊接著年初「人魔」烹調驚悚片型典雅精緻品味,

《珍珠港》以古典浪漫氣質樂音為核心,從柔情似水的鋼琴音調里緩緩的帶出悲壯悠揚的古典弦樂,剎那間,如John Barry與Ennio Morricone一般的歐陸浪漫典雅氣息盎然飄盪,默默地為這個烽火連天的有情天地獻上最誠摯、最寫意的祈禱,而季默多年的外向影音傳動催化駕馭力,成功的向內凝聚成一波直擊心靈的傷感,"Tennessee"、"Brothers"展現季默回歸古典音樂的浪漫情懷,而在寫意感性之餘,也在一些樂段燃燒著戰火煉獄里慨然悲壯的胸襟。 此番招兵買馬的精英包括:愛爾蘭皇家音樂學院畢業,擁有辛辛納提大學碩士學位,擁有30年豐富作曲編曲歷練,擔任過「終極警探」、「金色豪門」電影音樂指揮與管弦編曲的Fiachra Trench; 有著希臘/愛爾蘭/波多黎各家族背景,執著於歐美劇場界鍾情於戲劇與舞蹈演出,84年與多明哥合唱「卡門」的紐約女高音Julia Migenes;精通中提琴、五弦琴、曼陀林、吉他等樂器, 跟過bluegrass、搖滾、藍調、雷鬼、爵士、居爾特等各類型樂團演奏的德州小提琴跨界奇葩Craig Eastman;創立Hiroshima樂團,擔任作曲與製作的長笛與Shakuhachi高手Dan Kuramoto;曾與Ella Fitzgerald、Frank Zappa、Quincy Jones共事,參予過「捍衛戰警」、「龍卷風」等原聲帶管弦編曲工程的洛杉磯長號樂手Bruce Fowler;來自瑞士蘇黎世,古典音樂出身,卻選擇跟B.B.King、Beck同台,甫在「人魔」綻現風採的大提琴家Martin Tillman; 「神鬼戰士」擔任原著音樂製作、創作與編曲等工程的Klaus Badelt跟「落跑雞」、「小蟻雄兵」幕後音樂人才Steve Jablonsky、Geoff Zanelli與「急凍任務」里初展電影音樂長才的James S. Levine及「赤色風暴」音樂剪輯Bob Badami。
1. There You''ll Be - Faith Hill Music
2. Tennessee Music
3. Brothers Music
4. ...And Then I Kissed Him Music
5. I Will Come Back Music
6. Attack
7. December 7th
8. War
9. Heart Of A Volunteer




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