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發布時間:2024-03-17 10:46:22

① 迪士尼動畫電影主題

someday my prince will come白雪公主
i'm wishing白雪公主
Circle of live獅子王
kiss the girl小美人魚
under the sea小美人魚
part of your world小美人魚
happy working song魔法奇緣
that's how you know魔法奇緣
true love's kiss魔法奇緣
the whole new world阿拉丁
beauty and the beast美女與野獸
Be our guests美女與野獸
when somebody loves me玩具總動員
woddy's rounp玩具總動員
find yourself 賽車總動員
our town賽車總動員
life is a highaway賽車總動員
飛躍情海 海底總動員
Start Of Something New

Get'cha Head In The Game

What I've Been Looking For<Taylor and Sharpay>
What I've Been Looking For<Troy and Gabriella >
Stick To The Status Quo
When There Was Me And You
Bop To The Top
Breaking Free
We're All In This Together
I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
What Time Is It

Work This Out
You Are The Music In Me<Troy and Gabriella >
I Don't Dance
. You Are The Music In Me (Sharpay and Troy
Gotta Go My Own Way
. Bet On It.
. All For One
. Now Or Never- HSM Cast
Bop To The Top
2.Fabulous-Sharpay & Ryan
4.Sharpay & Ryan - I Want It All
5.What I've Been Looking For
6.You Are The Music In Me(Sharyay)
「Rock and roll"版的。

1.A Night To Remember
2.All For One
3.High School Musical
4.I can't take my eyes off of you
5.Senior year spring musical
6.Stick to the Status Quo 歌舞青春
賽車總動員 01. Real Gone - Sheryl Crow
02. Route 66 - Chuck Berry
03. Life Is A Highway(奧斯卡獲獎作品) - Rascal Flatts
04. Behind The Clouds - Brad Paisley
05. Our Town - James Taylor
06. Sh-Boom - The Chords
07. Route 66 - John Mayer
08. Find Yourself - Brad Paisley
09. Opening Race
10. McQueen』s Lost
11. My Heart Would Know - Hank Williams
12. Bessie
13. Dirt Is Different
14. New Road
15. Tractor Tipping
16. McQueen And Sally
17. Goodbye
18. Pre-Race Pageantry
19. The Piston Cup
20. The Big Race

② 求音樂:歐美動畫片主題曲大全

1.When you believe by Whitney Houston&Mariah Carey

2。Beauty and the beast by Celine Dion&Peabo Bryson

3.Here I am by Bryan Adams

4.Someday by All-4-One

5.A whole new world by Peabo Bryson&Regina Bell

6.If I never know you by John Secada&Shanice

7.Reflection by Christina Aguilera

8.True to your heart by Stevie Wonder&98 Degree

9.Can you feel the love tonight by Elton John
評價:如果說《獅子王》是迪士尼的經典,那麼這首歌無疑是《獅子王》的經典,Elton John不愧是浪漫之王,將旋律運用到了極至。而我真正開始為動畫音樂著迷,也就是從他開始的。

10.You'll be in my heart by Phil Collins

③ 美國動畫片芭比系列主題曲,要全一點的


  1. 《芭比與胡桃夾子的夢幻之旅》(Barbie in the Nutcracker)2001年: 這一部共有七首音樂,都是柴可夫斯基的胡桃夾子舞曲。

2.《芭比之長發公主》(Barbie as Rapunzel) 2002年:

Rapunzel Theme(片頭曲,插曲,主題音樂)

Constant as the Stars Above(片尾曲)

Wish Upon a Star(片尾曲)

3.《芭比之天鵝湖》 (Barbie of Swan Lake) 2003年 :

Enchanted Lake(主題音樂)


Dance of the Swans Part 1(音樂)

Hungarian Dance(音樂)

Spanish Dance(音樂)

Neapolitan Dance(音樂)

Pas de Deux(音樂)

Dance of the Little Swans(音樂)


4.《真假公主芭比》 (Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper)2004年:


How Can I Refuse(歌曲)

Written In Your Heart (Prologue)(歌曲)

I Am a Girl Like You(歌曲)

To Be a Princess(歌曲)

The Cat's Meow(歌曲)

If You Love Me for Me(歌曲)

To Be a Princess (Reprise)(歌曲)

How Can I Refuse (Reprise)(歌曲)Written In Your Heart(歌曲)

I』m On My Way(片尾曲)

5.《芭比與魔幻飛馬之旅》 (Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus)2005年:

Symphony #6 "Pastorale"(音樂,片頭曲)

Hope Has Wings(片尾曲)

6.《芭比之12芭蕾舞公主》(BarbieIn the 12 Dancing princesses)2006年:

Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses Theme(又叫Princess Destiny,片頭曲,插 曲,主題音樂)

Derek's Tune(音樂)

Birthday Song(歌曲)

Theme from Symphony No.4, Op.90, 'Italian'(音樂)

Sacerdotes Domini(音樂)


7.《芭比之森林公主》(Barbie as the Island princess)2007年:

Here On My Island(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms(歌曲)

A Brand New Shore(歌曲)

I Need To Know(歌曲)

Love Is for Peasants(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms – Greenhouse(歌曲)

At The Ball(歌曲)

The Rat Song(歌曲)

Always More(歌曲)

Right Here In My Arms – Reunion(歌曲)

When We Have Love(歌曲)

I Need To Know (Pop Version)(片尾曲)

8.《芭比之鑽石城堡》(Barbie& The Diamond Castle )2008年:

Two Voices, One Song(片頭曲,插曲)

Connected (Meet Melody Version)(歌曲)

Three Voices, One Song(歌曲)

Wonderful Me(歌曲)


We』re Gonna Find It(歌曲)

Double Vision(歌曲)

Believe (Reprise)(歌曲)

Believe (Trio Version)(歌曲)

Connected (Celebration Version)(歌曲)

Connected (End Title)(片尾曲)

另外,這是幾首在此電影中沒出現但是有關系的歌曲Two Voices, One Song (Pop Version)ConnectedWe』re Gonna Find It (Pop Version)

9.《芭比公主三劍客》(Barbie and the three musketeers)2009年:

Making My Way(歌曲)

All For One(歌曲)

二、 仙子系列

1.《芭比之彩虹仙子》 (Barbie FairyTopia) 2005年:

Barbie Fairytopia Theme(片頭曲,片尾曲,主題音樂)

2.《芭比夢幻仙境之人魚公主》(Barbie FairyTopia--Mermaidia)2006年:

Barbie Fairytopia Mermaidia Theme(片頭曲,片尾曲,主題音樂)

3.《芭比彩虹仙子之魔法彩虹》 (Barbie FairyTopia --Magic of the Rainbow) 2007年: Barbie Fairytopia Magic of the Rainbow Theme(片頭曲,片尾曲,主題音樂)

4.《芭比之蝴蝶仙子》(Barbie Mariposa) 2008年:

Mariposa Theme(片頭曲,片尾曲,主題音樂)

三、 現代系列

1.《芭比之奇幻日記》 (Barbie the diaries) 2006年:

This Is Me(片頭曲)


I Don't Wanna Sleep(歌曲)

Where You Belong(歌曲)

Real Life(插曲,片尾曲)

Girl Most Likely To(歌曲)

Feels Like Love(歌曲)

Note to Self(歌曲)

Fate finds A Way(歌曲)

2.《芭比之花仙子》(Barbie Thumbelina)《芭比拇指姑娘後現代版》2009年 Thumbelina Theme(片頭曲,片尾曲,主題音樂)

④ 求好聽的英文歌 動畫片主題曲

狼與香辛料 片尾曲
「リンゴ日和~The Wolf Wishing Song 」
作詞:Chris Mosdell
作曲:ROCKY CHACK|山下太郎&noe
O seven apples on a witch's tree〖魔法的樹上長出了七個蘋果〗
With seven seeds to plant inside of me〖在我的心裡種下了七顆種子〗
n springtime I grew a magic song〖當春天來臨 它們就會長成魔法的歌謠〗
Then skipping along,oh I sang the song to everyone〖我一路蹦蹦跳跳 把歌兒唱給所有人聽〗
I looked at the world through apple eyes〖我用蘋果般大的眼睛看著世界〗
And cut myself a slice of sunshine pie〖給自己切一片陽光烤制的餡餅〗
I danced with the peanut butterflies〖我和美麗的蝴蝶們一起跳著舞〗
Till time went and told me to say hello but wave goodbye〖從問好的時候開始 到道別的時刻來臨〗
A thousand sugar stars〖把一千個星星般的糖果〗
Oh put them in a jar〖全都裝進我的瓶子裡面〗
And then whistle round the world〖然後吹著口哨環游世界〗
Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,you say〖我是有著少女相貌的小狼〗
And off I'll go from June to May〖從這個春天走到下個春天〗
Oh whistling round the world〖一直吹著口哨環游世界〗
I met a golden swan upon the road〖我在路上遇見一隻金色的天鵝〗
Who was a handsome prince,so I was told〖它說它曾經是一位英俊的王子〗
I asked it the way to yesterday〖我向它詢問了回到昨天的方向〗
Then I was a sailor,and through the day I sailed away〖然後我乘著船兒向著昨天啟航〗
Bluebird seas I sailed〖我駛過像藍色小鳥一樣的海洋〗
With mermaids riding whales〖騎著巨鯨的美人魚就在我身旁〗
Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗
Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,you say〖我是有著少女相貌的小狼〗
And off I'll go down Wonder Way〖在充滿未知的路上大步向前走〗
Oh whistling round the world〖一直吹著口哨環游世界〗
Through apple eyes〖我睜著蘋果般的大眼睛〗
Oh there are rose-coloured skylines〖遠方是玫瑰色的地平線〗
Where flying silver spoons〖銀色的勺子們正愜意飛翔〗
Eat melting marmalade moons〖一口口吃著融化了的橙色月亮〗
Through apple eyes〖我睜著蘋果般的大眼睛〗
I see for millions of miles〖能夠看到百萬英里之外〗
The sun's a diamond shining〖太陽像鑽石一樣閃閃發光〗
In the nighttime of a summer day〖在這個仲夏夜的夜晚〗
A thousand sugar stars〖把一千個星星般的糖果〗
Oh put them in a jar〖全都裝進我的瓶子裡面〗
And then whistle round the world〖然後吹著口哨環游世界〗
Oh whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗
I'm a little wolf inside a girl,you say〖我是有著少女相貌的小狼〗
And off I'll go I can not stay〖不喜歡停留在同一個地方〗
Oh whistling round the world〖我總是吹著口哨環游世界〗
Let's whistle round the world〖讓我們吹著口哨環游世界〗
Whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗
Whistle round the world〖我要吹著口哨環游世界〗



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