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發布時間:2023-08-23 06:37:37

A. 我記得有個電影是有句台詞 let's play a game 是幾個人玩闖關的游戲


B. 急求電影《飢餓游戲》15分鍾台詞

飢餓游戲 從影片字幕里一句句整理出來的,不容易呀!

I think it's our tradition.
It comes out of a particularly painful part of our history.
Yes, yes.
But it's been the way we've been able to heal.
At first, it was a reminder of the rebellion.
-它是每個區必須付出的代價 -是的
- It was a price the districts had to pay. - Yes.
But I think it has grown from that.
I think it's something that knits us all together.
This is your third year as Gamemaker.
What defines your personal signature?
不要 不要
No! No!
沒事了 沒事了
It's okay. It's okay.
只是做夢而已 你做夢了
You were just dreaming. You were dreaming.
It was me.
我知道 我知道 不會的
I know. I know. But it's not.
你才第一年 小櫻
It's your first year, Prim.
Your name's only been in there once.
They're not gonna pick you.
Try to go to sleep.
I can't.
試著睡 盡量吧
Just try. Just try.
Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow
你還記得這首歌 好吧
You remember that song? Okay.
你繼續唱 我該走了
You finish it. I've got to go.
I've just got to go.
我會回來的 我愛你
But I'll be back. I love you.
I'll still cook you.
區界 嚴禁跨越
What are you gonna do with that when you kill it?
該死的蓋爾 一點都不好玩
Damn you, Gale! It's not funny!
你想對那隻一百磅的小鹿做什麼 貓草
What are you gonna do with a 100-pound deer, Katnip?
今天是抽簽日 到處都是維安部隊
It's Reaping Day. The place is crawling with Peacekeepers.
I was gonna sell it to some Peacekeepers.
Of course you were.
Like you don't sell to Peacekeepers.
不 今天不賣
No. Not today.
It was the first deer I've seen in a year.
Now I have nothing.
你說會不會發生 哪怕只有一年
What if they did? Just one year.
What if everyone just stopped watching?
-不會的 蓋爾 -如果會呢 我們怎麼辦
- They won't, Gale. - What if they did? What if we did?
Won't happen.
你支持喜歡的選手 他們被殺你就會哭
You root for your favorites. You cry when they get killed.
-真惡心 -蓋爾
- It's sick. - Gale.
如果沒有人看 他們就不會做這個游戲了
If no one watches, then they don't have a game.
It's as simple as that.
-什麼 -沒什麼
- What? - Nothing.
-盡管笑吧 -我不是笑你
- Fine. Laugh at me. - I'm not laughing at you.
We could do it, you know?
逃跑 隱居在森林裡 我們該這么做
Take off, live in the woods. It's what we do anyway.
They'd catch us.
Well, maybe not.
他們會割掉我們的舌頭 或者更糟
Cut out our tongues, or worse.
We wouldn't make it five miles.
我已經走5英里了 從那條路
No, I'd get five miles. I'd go that way.
我還有小櫻 你也有兄弟
I have Prim, and you have your brothers.
They can come, too.
Prim in the woods?
Or maybe not.
I'm never having kids.
我也許會 如果我不住在這
Not might, if I didn't live here.
-但是你就住在這 -我是說如果
- But you do live here. - I know, but if I didn't.
I forgot.
我的天啊 這是真的嗎
Oh, my God! Is this real?
當然是了 我用一隻松鼠換來的
Yeah. Better be. Cost me a squirrel.
Happy Hunger Games.
And may the odds be ever in your favor.
How many times is your name in today?
Guess the odds aren't exactly in my favor.
謝謝你 姑娘
Thank you, girl.
What's this?
That's a Mockingjay.
How much?
-拿去吧 送你了 -謝謝
- You keep it. It's yours. - Thank you.
Look at you!
You look beautiful.
But you better tuck in that tail, little ck.
I laid something out for you, too.
Now you look beautiful, too.

C. 飢餓游戲經典台詞

電影《飢餓游戲》計劃凱妮絲Katniss Everdeen(詹妮弗·勞倫斯 Jennifer Lawrence 飾)的妹妹不幸在12區「選擇日」時被選中,由於要保護妹妹,凱妮絲自告奮勇要替妹妹上場 。她不得不與心上人蓋爾Gale Hawthorne(利亞姆·海姆斯沃斯 Liam Hemsworth 飾)分開,跟同時被選為12區貢品代表的皮塔Peeta Mellark(喬什·哈切森 Josh Hutcherson 飾)進入游戲……選段中,因為群眾們的憤怒抗議,游戲者不得不修改規則:允許兩名獲勝者,但是條件是必須來自同一區……


1、There』s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don』t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一個女孩我一直迷戀著。但我覺得她是直到招募時才知道我這個人。

2、You』re just dreaming. 你只是在做夢。

3、Happy Hunger Games. 飢餓游戲快樂!

4、And may the odds be ever in your favor. 希望好運永遠眷顧你。

5、The freedom has a cost. 自由是有代價的。

6、I won』t be here anymore. You』re all she has. 我不會在這里了。你就是她的一切了。

7、No matter what you feel, you will be there for her. 不管你的感覺如何,你都要在那裡保護她。

8、Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. 希望。它是唯一比恐懼更強烈的事情。

9、A lot of hope is dangerous. 一個很大的希望是危險的。

10、I don』t think winnings gonna help me at all. Because she came here with me. 我不認為勝利會幫助我,因為她跟我一起來到這里。

11、I should』ve gone to you . I should』ve just gone out to the rain。 我應該去看你,我應該走出去到雨里。

12、Promise me, you』ll not gonna risk your life for me. I』m not gonna let you. 答應我,你不要因為我而去冒生命的危險。我不會讓你這么做的。

13、Now from I gonna die,I wanna still being me. 哪怕死了,我還是我自己。

14、Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor! 飢餓游戲快樂,願好運永遠與你相伴!


Teamer(male): If you can't scare them, give them something to root for.

Seneca: Such as?

Teamer(male): Young love.

Mayor: So you like an underdog?

Seneca: Everyone likes an underdog.

Mayor: I don't. Have you been out of there? 10? 11? 12?

Seneca: Not personally. No.

Mayor: Well, I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal, too. Grow crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of underdogs. And I think if you could see them. You would not root for them either. I like you. Be careful.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes, Attention. The regulations requiring a single victor have been suspended. From now on, two victors may be crowned if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement.

Katniss: Peeta.

(Finding Peeta)

Katniss: Oh, my god! Peeta! Peeta!

Peeta: Hi.

Katniss: It's okay. What was it?

Peeta: A sword. It's bad, huh?

Katniss: It's gonna be fine.

Peeta: Katniss. Katniss.

Katniss: No! I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not gonna do that.

Peeta: Why not?

Katniss: Nobody's gonna find you in here.

Peeta: They already found me.

Katniss: We'll just get your some medicine.

Peeta: Katniss, I don't get many parachutes.

Katniss: We'll figure something out.

Peeta: Like what?

Katniss: Something.

Peeta: Medicine?

Katniss: No. Soup. I'll do it.

Peeta: That's nice.

Katniss: You fed me once.

Peeta: I think about that all the time. How I tossed you that bread.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: I should have gone to you. I should have just gone out in the rain and...

Katniss: You feel hot.

Peeta: I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair in two braids instead of one. And I remember when you sang in the music assembly. "Who knows The Valley Song?" And you hand shot straight up.

Katniss: Stop.

Peeta: After that, I watched you going home every day. Every day.

Katniss: Well, say something.

Peeta: I'm not good at saying something.

Katniss: Then come here. Please. Even if I don't make it...

Peeta: Stop it.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes. Attention. Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cormucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts.

Katniss: Your medicine.

Peeta: You're not going alone.

Katniss: Yeah? You need it, and you can't walk.

Peeta: Katniss, you're not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you.

Katniss: You would do it for me. Wouldn't you?

Peeta: Why are you doing this?


Peeta: Now there's no way I'm letting you go.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: Please. Stay.

Katniss: Okay.

D. 班裡開班會,玩給經典電影配音的游戲,有什麼經典搞笑的台詞


E. 《飢餓游戲》電影經典台詞



1、There’s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don’t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一個女孩我一直迷戀著。但我覺得她是直到招募時才知道我這個人。

2、You’re just dreaming. 你只是在做夢。

3、Happy Hunger Games. 飢餓游戲快樂!

4、And may the odds be ever in your favor. 希望好運永遠眷顧你。

5、The freedom has a cost. 自由是有代價的。

6、I won’t be here anymore. You’re all she has. 我不會在這里了。你就是她的一切了。

7、No matter what you feel, you will be there for her. 不管你的感覺如何,你都要在那裡保護她。

8、Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. 希望。它是唯一比恐懼更強烈的事情。

9、A lot of hope is dangerous. 一個很大的希望是危險的。

10、I don’t think winnings gonna help me at all. Because she came here with me. 我不認為勝利會幫助我,因為她跟我一起來到這里。

11、I should’ve gone to you . I should’ve just gone out to the rain。 我應該去看你,我應該走出去到雨里。

12、Promise me, you’ll not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you. 答應我,你不要因為我而去冒生命的危險。我不會讓你這么做的。

13、Now from I gonna die,I wanna still being me. 哪怕死了,我還是我自己。

14、Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor! 飢餓游戲快樂,願好運永遠與你相伴!


Teamer(male): If you can't scare them, give them something to root for.

Seneca: Such as?

Teamer(male): Young love.

Mayor: So you like an underdog?

Seneca: Everyone likes an underdog.

Mayor: I don't. Have you been out of there? 10? 11? 12?

Seneca: Not personally. No.

Mayor: Well, I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal, too. Grow crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of underdogs. And I think if you could see them. You would not root for them either. I like you. Be careful.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes, Attention. The regulations requiring a single victor have been suspended. From now on, two victors may be crowned if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement.

Katniss: Peeta.

(Finding Peeta)

Katniss: Oh, my god! Peeta! Peeta!

Peeta: Hi.

Katniss: It's okay. What was it?

Peeta: A sword. It's bad, huh?

Katniss: It's gonna be fine.

Peeta: Katniss. Katniss.

Katniss: No! I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not gonna do that.

Peeta: Why not?

Katniss: Nobody's gonna find you in here.

Peeta: They already found me.

Katniss: We'll just get your some medicine.

Peeta: Katniss, I don't get many parachutes.

Katniss: We'll figure something out.

Peeta: Like what?

Katniss: Something.

Peeta: Medicine?

Katniss: No. Soup. I'll do it.

Peeta: That's nice.

Katniss: You fed me once.

Peeta: I think about that all the time. How I tossed you that bread.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: I should have gone to you. I should have just gone out in the rain and...

Katniss: You feel hot.

Peeta: I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair in two braids instead of one. And I remember when you sang in the music assembly. "Who knows The Valley Song?" And you hand shot straight up.

Katniss: Stop.

Peeta: After that, I watched you going home every day. Every day.

Katniss: Well, say something.

Peeta: I'm not good at saying something.

Katniss: Then come here. Please. Even if I don't make it...

Peeta: Stop it.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes. Attention. Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cormucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts.

Katniss: Your medicine.

Peeta: You're not going alone.

Katniss: Yeah? You need it, and you can't walk.

Peeta: Katniss, you're not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you.

Katniss: You would do it for me. Wouldn't you?

Peeta: Why are you doing this?


Peeta: Now there's no way I'm letting you go.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: Please. Stay.

Katniss: Okay.

Peeta: I'll stay.







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