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發布時間:2022-12-16 18:13:52

㈠ 一首日本動漫電影(電視劇)的歌曲

歌名:E-mail more 動漫電影名字:Paradise Kiss~天堂之吻

作詞:Tommy February6
The Shining"Cotton candy love"comes
…suddenly, It』s Sugary Sensation!
Like a Bubble gum popped! oh yeah…
ドキドキ What a passion…!!

E-mail of love sending to you -*

Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
冱えないわ (No No) I wanna date(with you)
Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
After you show up (…show up)
in my dream (…in my dream)
I』m thinking about you

I』m waiting for your E-mail any time!
at my Strawberry pop station!
Give me your love words, send to me
Give me your love inspiration!!

I wanna you to make me romantic
…feelings, I want to know your heart
when do you invite me to the date?
I want your E-mail more and more!!
I』m thinking about you

Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
冱えないわ (No No) I wanna date(with you)
Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
After you show up (…show up)
in my dream (…in my dream)
I』m thinking about you
"I』m dreaming about you"

Hey, when do you invite me to the date?
I』m waiting for your E-mail always
The shining "Cotton candy love"comes
It』s Like a Bubble gum popped! Oh yeah!!

Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
冱えないわ (No No) I wanna date(with you)
Baby, What do you do now? (…do now?)
Where are you now? (…you now?)
So…I want you to notice my feelings
After you show up (…show up)
in my dream (…in my dream)
I』m thinking about you
Babe…I want your E-mail, more!


根據日本人氣漫畫改編的動畫片『Paradise Kiss~天堂之吻』中的主題曲和插曲。夢幻舞曲般的樂風、女主唱甜美而復古的嗓音,非常符合動畫的主題。


Tommy february6是一個來自於綠樂團主唱Tommy(川瀨智子)的音樂計畫,計畫名中的Tommy取自於川瀨的小名、2月6日則是她的生日。這個計畫在最初推出第一張單曲EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP時,曾以單曲+DVD的新作法引起注意,而第二張單曲KISS ONE MORE TIME推出時,則配合了同公司當紅的電子寵物狗AIBO一起出擊。到了第三張單曲Bloomin』!發行時,則跟著名化妝品公司合作形象單曲。

在這樣強烈的商業聯盟策略攻勢下,Tommy february6果然氣勢還不錯,而集結三張單曲的原創同名專輯,更特意選在2月6日當天發售。這張號稱Tommy february6最初、也是最後的專輯,除了前面這些光榮記錄,它所蘊含的豐富音樂遊玩性更是值得細細體會的。

一出道便明白宣示了以80年代DISCO跳舞音樂為基調的Tommy february6,藉由Tommy音色的甜膩特質,融合刻意復古的編曲風格,呈現的竟是一種時光難再的莫名感動。從開場的拉拉隊口號T.O.M.M.Y巧妙接入第一首歌EVERYDAY AT THE BUS STOP的前奏時,這場舞會就已經開始了!尤其對出生在電影『熱舞十七』走紅那時代的人,真會有一種時光倒轉的感動。而緊接著一首首或快或中板的泡泡糖音樂,簡直像是把人吸進某種夢境一般,不管是青春可愛的Bloomin』!,或是有點裝酷的KISS ONE MORE TIME,都像記憶拼圖碎片一樣,一片片地湊成了回憶。

這場舞會的第十首曲目是一個關鍵,來自電影『越戰獵鹿人』的經典名曲Can』t take my eyes off of you,正是這場舞會的告白時間,這首曾經被許多知名歌手翻唱的西洋老歌,在Tommy february6的詮釋下,有著甜美的新風貌。而第十一首曲子I』LL BE YOUR ANGEL是這張專輯最抒情的一首歌,Tommy柔柔地唱著生日快樂,不僅順暢地承接上一首曲目的情緒,對於Tommy february6這特殊的名字與專輯也有著「點題」的效果。而最後一首歌CANDY POP IN LOVE出現時,舞會也將散場,在快樂、可愛的甜蜜音符里,將泡泡糖音樂的精神全然釋放,雖然捨不得,舞會還是得有終幕。

這張專輯正如官方網頁所形容的-Tommy的Daydream結晶,能讓聽者全然融入獨特的音樂世界。雖然這個短暫的計畫在這張專輯發行後也將告終,Tommy將回到綠樂團繼續擔任主唱,但Tommy February6帶給大家的美夢將會是永遠的。

希望我的答案能令你滿意!! !

㈡ 求電影"獵鹿人"中出現兩次的一首歌歌名"I love you,baby....I need you ,baby"

《Can't Take My Eye Off You 》

you'er just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
you'd be like heaven to touch
i wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and i thank god i'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
pardon the way that i stare
there's nothing else to compare
the sight of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak
but if you feel like i feel
please let me know that it's real
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you

i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby trust in me when i say
oh pretty baby,don't bring me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
and let me love you,baby,let me love you...
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby trust in me when i say
oh pretty baby,don't bring me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
oh pretty baby,trust in me when i say:oh pretty baby...

㈢ 影片獵鹿人的插曲




一首《Cavatina》 ,一首《Can't Take My Eye Off You 》







《Can't Take My Eye Off You 》

you'er just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
you'd be like heaven to touch
i wanna hold you so much
at long last love has arrived
and i thank god i'm alive
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you
pardon the way that i stare
there's nothing else to compare
the sight of you leaves me weak
there are no words left to speak
but if you feel like i feel
please let me know that it's real
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off you

i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby trust in me when i say
oh pretty baby,don't bring me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
and let me love you,baby,let me love you...
i love you baby,and if it's quite all right
i need you baby to warm the lonely night
i love you baby trust in me when i say
oh pretty baby,don't bring me down,i pray
oh pretty baby,now that i found you stay
oh pretty baby,trust in me when i say:oh pretty baby...
歌曲下載:,越戰獵鹿人&word=mp3,http://hbcw.hndt.com/bbs/UploadFile/2006-1/Y2JjamZtbmtnZGllbGtoaTE$.mp3,,[%C1%D4%C2%B9%C8%CB]&lm=16777216,12 Cavatina他真美妙 羅伯 邁爾斯的電影「越戰獵鹿人」中名曲&word=mp3,http://fs31.139.com/0/298/beauty00/sound/Y2JjaW1obWlhZ2ZobGhvbzE$.mp3,,[%C1%D4%C2%B9%C8%CB]&lm=16777216,聽雨 03 Cavatina 越戰獵鹿人 Bandari Listen to the Rain&word=mp3,http://wap.mopalace.com/mopalace/mp3/bandari/tinyu/patjZ2KDhohyfnR3ejY$.mp3,,[%C1%D4%C2%B9%C8%CB]&lm=16777216



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