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⑴ 海底總動員主題曲法文版的歌詞是什麼


Somewhere beyond the sea
Somewhere waiting for me
My lover stands on golden sands
And watches the ships that go sailing

Somewhere beyond the sea
She』s there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
Then straight to her arms I』d go sailing
It』s far beyond a star, it』s near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
My heart will lead me there soon

We』ll meet beyond the shore
We』ll kiss just as before
Happy we』ll be beyond the sea
And never again I』ll go sailing


hello 風在徜徉
my love 來到你身旁
my love 來到你身旁
goodbye forever my friend
so long so long sailing
so long sailing

⑵ what a wonderful world的歌詞翻譯

歌名:what a wonderful world


原唱:Louis Armstrong


I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies cry,

I watch them grow

They'll learn much more than I'll never know

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.


《What a Wonderful World》一歌由Bob Thiele(署名George Douglas)和George David Weiss創作。由Louis Armstrong首次錄制並於1967年作為單曲發行。Thiele和Weiss兩人都享譽音樂界(Thiele作為製作人而Weiss作為作曲家和表演者)。





⑶ 海底總動員片尾曲的演唱者,歌名,歌詞(限時)

Beyond The Sea歌詞 - 電影原聲帶

Beyond the Sea
Bobby Darin
Somewhere beyond the sea
somewhere waiting for me
my lover stands on golden sands
then watches the ships that go sailin
Somewhere beyond the sea
she's there watching for me
If I could fly like birds on high
then straight to her arms
I'd go sailing
It's far beyond the stars
it's near beyond the moon
I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet beyond the shore
we'll kiss just like before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailing
I know beyond a doubt
my heart will lead me there soon
We'll meet (I know we'll meet) beyond the shore
We'll kiss just as before
Happy we'll be beyond the sea
and never again I'll go sailing
no more sailing
so long sailing,sailing
no more sailing
goodbye, feel well,my friend,
no more sailing...
so long sailing
no more sailing
no more, feel well......

⑷ 海底總動員里有首插曲歌詞有這么一句"I AM A LITTLE YELLOW FISH IN THE DEEP SEA"歌名是什麼

help!i'm a fish

(I'm a little yellow fish, yellow fish...)
(I'm a little yellow fish, yellow fish...)

I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody help me
I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody save me

Do you wanna know how living is beneath the waves?
Do you wanna know how everything I knew was changed?

It wasn』t such a big commotion
Ill you need is magic potion
With a wriggle, a twist
a splash and a splish
you'r a fish
Help Me..!

I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody help me
I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody save me

Do you wanna take a whalebus- wanna meet a stupid shark?
Do you wanna ride a seahorse or hide in an oyster park?

It was'nt such a big commotion
All you need is magic potion
With a wriggle, a twist
a splash and a splish
you』re a fish
Help me..!

I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody help me
I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody save me

Help me, help me
i need a remedy
help me, help me
(repeat x 2)

Life is strange at the bottom of the ocean
You won』t believe the things you see
Stay ashore, don』t give in to notions
If you don』t wanna be like me....

I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody help me
I』m a little yellow fish in the deep blue sea
Will somebody save me

⑸ 《海底總動員》背景音樂是什麼

當初發現為這部電影配樂的是Thomas Newman而不是Randy Newman時,確實有些驚訝,不僅因為他們兩者的關系,更因為Tom的配樂風格一向憂郁悲傷,即使他的一些輕松歡快的作品也往往有點苦中帶甜的味道。難怪當初人們會質疑習慣了Randy的歡快幸福風格的觀眾是否能夠接受Tom。「我當時真的很沒把握,因為我不但從沒為動畫做過配樂,而且我堂弟Randy 之前為PIXAR做的四部作品都非常出色,我都很喜歡,這讓我更沒有信心了」,Tom在後來回憶時這么說。事實上Tom最後的作品沒有按照以往的模式譜寫主題曲,也沒有強求自己去適合Randy的風格,盡管按照Randy的風格譜曲既輕松又保險,而是原原本本的以他自己的風格去詮釋。作品的完美成功證明了這是一個非常正確的決定,Tom用強有力的節奏旋律配合怪異狂野的電子音樂,加以持續的神經質般的交響樂演奏完美的再現了魚類的天性,而富有流浪氣息的鋼琴和弦樂又很好地抓住了影片「尋親」、「交友」的主題。
這張《Finding Nemo Complete Score》是完全配樂版的Promo,不僅收錄了官方版本的全部39首配樂(官版第40首是主題曲「Beyond The Sea」),還包括了另外12首未收錄的曲目,當然曲目名稱和編曲會有細微差別。


01. Opening
02. Barracuda
03. Nemo Egg - Main Title
04. First Day
05. Journey To School
06. Joke - Mr. Ray
07. To Dropoff
08. Dropoff Reveal
09. Boat - Hate You
10. Out to Sea - Divers
11. Lost
12. Dory - Boat
13. Meet Bruce
14. Shark Meeting
15. Shark Chase
16. Nemo In Tank
17. Bubbles
18. Meet Tankers
19. Darla - Stuck - Gill
20. Angler Fish
21. Initiation
22. Escape Plan
23. School Of Fish
24. Trench - Squishy
25. Jellyfish
26. Rescue Dory
27. Miss Your Dad
28. Filter Attempt
29. Turtle Drive, Part 1
30. Turtle Drive, Part 2
31. Turtle Drive, Part 3
32. News Travel
33. Proud - Stops Filter
34. Darla - Filth - Offramp
35. Lost In Fog
36. Swallowed - Scum
37. Whale, Part 1
38. Whale, Part 2
39. Whale, Part 3
40. Sydney Harbour
41. Net for Nemo
42. Pelicans
43. Gull Chase
44. Office Frenzy, Part 1
45. Office Frenzy, Part 2
46. Crabs - Nemo & Dory
47. Dory Remembers
48. Fishing Ground - Dory Trapped
49. Swim Down
50. Nemo Hurt
51. Ending

⑹ 海底總動員背景音樂


⑺ 《海底總動員》背景音樂是什麼

專輯名稱:海底總動員 (Finding Nemo) 專輯封面
藝 術 家:托馬斯·紐曼 (Thomas Newman) 發行時間:2003年 專輯曲目: 1. Wow 2. Barracuda 3. Main Title: Nemo Egg 4. First Day 5. Field Trip 6. Mr. Ray,Scientist 7. The Divers 8. Lost 9. Short-Term Dory 10. Why Trust a Shark 11. Friends Not Food 12. Fish-O-Rama 13. Gill 14. Mt. Wannahockaloogie 15. Foolproof 16. Squishy 17. Jellyfish Forest 18. Stay Awake 19. School of Fish 20. Filter Attempt 21. The Turtle Lope 22. Curl Away My Son 23. News Travels 24. The Little Clownfish from the Reef 25. Darla Filth Offramp 26. Lost In Fog 27. Scum Angel 28. Haiku 29. Time to Let Go 30. Sydney Harbour 31. Pelicans 32. Drill 33. Fish In My Hair! 34. All Drains Lead to the Ocean 35. ...P. Sherman,42 Wallaby Way,Sydney... 36. Fishing Grounds 37. Swim Down 38. Finding Nemo 39. Fronds Like These 40. Beyond the Sea
專輯名稱:海底總動員 (Finding Nemo Complete Score) 藝 術 家:托馬斯·紐曼 (Thomas Newman) 版本:Complete Score 發行時間:2003年 特別說明:這張《Finding Nemo Complete Score》是完全配樂版的Promo,不僅收錄了官方版本的全部39首配樂(官版第40首是主題曲「Beyond The Sea」),還包括了另外12首未收錄的曲目,當然曲目名稱和編曲會有細微差別。 專輯封面
專輯曲目: 01. Opening 02. Barracuda 03. Nemo Egg - Main Title 04. First Day 05. Journey To School 06. Joke - Mr. Ray 07. To Dropoff 08. Dropoff Reveal 09. Boat - Hate You 10. Out to Sea - Divers 11. Lost 12. Dory - Boat 13. Meet Bruce 14. Shark Meeting 15. Shark Chase 16. Nemo In Tank 17. Bubbles 18. Meet Tankers 19. Darla - Stuck - Gill 20. Angler Fish 21. Initiation 22. Escape Plan 23. School Of Fish 24. Trench - Squishy 25. Jellyfish 26. Rescue Dory 27. Miss Your Dad 28. Filter Attempt 29. Turtle Drive,Part 1 30. Turtle Drive,Part 2 31. Turtle Drive,Part 3 32. News Travel 33. Proud - Stops Filter 34. Darla - Filth - Offramp 35. Lost In Fog 36. Swallowed - Scum 37. Whale,Part 1 38. Whale,Part 2 39. Whale,Part 3 40. Sydney Harbour 41. Net for Nemo 42. Pelicans 43. Gull Chase 44. Office Frenzy,Part 1 45. Office Frenzy,Part 2 46. Crabs - Nemo & Dory 47. Dory Remembers 48. Fishing Ground - Dory Trapped 49. Swim Down 50. Nemo Hurt 51. Ending

⑻ 急求《海底總動員》全片的原聲背景音樂!!!拜託!




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