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發布時間:2022-09-24 01:39:04

Ⅰ 用至少三句英語描述一部電影,並且要有翻譯

《Forrest Gump》
It is a movie which won the Oscar price and moved me deeply.This movie tells a story that a man whose IQ was only 75 but defeated through his strong heart and the mind of never giving up. He finaly became an succeed and famous people. There is one motto of him beat me.That is "Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."Told us learning to carry our hope on the journey of our life.

Ⅱ 用英文介紹一部英文電影,加翻譯

「Changeling" from U.S.A
This film was adapted from a true story happened in twenties last century in America. A mother played by Angelina Jolie lost her little boy first,then, she found the boy returned from Captain J.J. Jones (policeman) not a same one. So, after the big quarrels, Jones sent the mother to asylum as he was irritated severely and took her as the insane.
On the otherhand, a priest called Reverend Briegleb insisted that, what the mother suffered was no otherthing than the corruption of the police station, he supported the mother and was actively invovled in the whole case in order to fight against the evil power.
The culmination of the scenario was posed by a boy's wittness, who admitted himself as an assistant in a murder of children, and he pointed the lost son of the mother was just one of those victims. The film was ended in the court debating, and the truth of the cases was graally revealed.

Ⅲ 她認為它們非常刺激|無聊的|可怕的|有趣的。 他的電影Mr Bean 是一部非常成功的喜劇。用英語回答

She believes that they are very exciting | bored | scary | fun. Mr Bean in his films is a very successful comedy. 這個比前面幾個都靠譜

Ⅳ 那部小說被成功的拍成電影 怎麼翻譯

The novel was made into a film successfully.

Ⅳ 英語翻譯 在周末 一部成功的恐怖片 一位男演員 一部令人興奮的電影

In weekend
A successful horror film
An actor
A rousing movie

Ⅵ 求英文。。。。翻譯遇到問題 給我看看

看一場電影(see a movie )一部成功的動作電影(a successful action movie )呆在家裡(stay at home)中國歷史(Chinese history)我喜歡的電影明星(my favorite movie star)想成為(want to be)一個京劇藝術家(an opera artist)加入游泳俱樂部(join in swimming club)彈吉他(play the guitar)與他人和諧共處(get along well with)幫助某人做某事(help sb. to do sth.)加入校園音樂劇(join in the campus musical)一支搖滾隊(a rock team)打中國功夫(Play Chinese kung fu)刷牙(brush one's teeth)洗澡(have a ba)列一個時間表(List a timetable)穿,戴(put on)乘公共汽車去(take a bus)整晚(all the night)到家(get home )一個辛苦卻快樂的人(A tired but happy person)大約在七點鍾(about 7 o'clock)寫信給某人(write to sb.)告訴某人關於某事(tell sb. about sth.)我的科學老師(my science teacher)

Ⅶ 在周末,中國歷史,一部很成功的電影,這種電影(英語翻譯)

Weekend, Chinese history, a very successful movie, this kind of movie

Ⅷ 英文翻譯:一部成功的動作電影

A successful action movie.求採納(*¯︶¯*)



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