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發布時間:2024-07-27 09:39:39

『壹』 troubleimin這首歌什麼意思

Trouble I'm In I wanna feel your touch 我想感受你的觸摸 It's burning me like an ember 它就像烈火把我燒成灰燼 But tender it's not enough 我脆弱的心難以承受 I wanna feel lost together 只想和你一同迷失在這愛的世界裡 So I'm giving in 所以我臣服你 So I'm giving in 所以我臣服你 To the trouble I'm in 深陷在你的情網中 So I'm giving in To the trouble I'm in 所以我臣服於你,對你欲罷不能 To the trouble I'm in 深陷情網,無力自拔 You are you are, my favorite night of sad 你是我憂傷的夜晚,心頭的最愛 You are you are, you're where the lights began 你點燃了我內心愛的燈光 You are you are, just one last time again 你是我最後一次再次心動的人啊 You are you are, you are the trouble I'm in 你讓我深陷情網,無力自拔 You are the trouble I'm in 你讓我深陷情網,無力自拔 You are the trouble I'm in 你讓我苦苦掙扎,欲罷不能 You are you are, my favorite night of sad 你是我憂傷的夜晚,心頭的最愛 You are you are, you're where the lights began 你點燃了我內心愛的燈光 You are you are, just one last time again 你是我最後一次再次心動的人啊 You are you are, you are the trouble I'm in 你讓我深陷情網,無力自拔 You are the trouble I'm in 你令我欲罷不能



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