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發布時間:2022-03-07 07:08:35

㈠ 《幸福來敲門(2011)》百度網盤免費在線觀看





㈡ 電影里有哪些讓你念念不忘的經典台詞





㈢ <當幸福來敲門》英語觀後感

The Pursuit of Happiness
When it comes to the movie,the Pursuit of Happiness,a lot of scattered fragments of it flash in my mind again and again.The movie is so splendid that it impressed me a lot,and there』s also much food for thought in it.It is not only the most touching movie I』ve ever watched,but also the most inspirational story I』ve ever heard.From it,I become to know a little bit of the philosophy of life, that is,」You got a dream, you gotta protect it」,」Don』t let somebody tell you you can』t do something」which is a great father to his son's care and ecation and also part of my favoutite in the muvie…
Another part we cannot neglect is the excellent job done by the hero ,Will Smith.He is really attractive and has a wide range of expression.He acted as a good father but not a successful salesman,called Chris Gardner,in the muvie.He has the force of iron will and he is so optimistic,that he never give up and strongly believed happiness would come one day if he kept working hard.For his son,and also for his own belief,he struggled against all kinds of difficulties,and finally achieved the happiness.
What』s more,the story is told to us very clearly,Life of Chris Gardner is divided into six parts:Riding the bus,Being stupid,Running,Internship,Paying taxes and Happiness,And the plot starts from the bottom and goes towards the climax step by step.Consequently,we can understand the muvie better and learn more from it.
Thanks to the Pursuit of Happiness,I did acquired a lot from it.Chris Gardner,just an ordinary man ,with such heavy life pressure,can achieve his goal with his amazing willpower.I even can』t believe it before watching the film.For us,the generation born with happiness,have much better life than him.Why are we always in bad mood because of a mere trifle? Why don』t we have a optimistic attitude and a strong will like Chris Gardner? We should take careful thought about it…

㈣ 有一個美國電影,其中有一段台詞大概是這樣的:我不知道我們在哪裡,我們剩下的食物已經不多了,我看到了




㈤ 當幸福來敲門 觀後感 翻譯 漢譯英 (不要機器的,全是語法錯誤)

《The Pursuit of Happyness》 is a simple inspirational movie.There are no beautiful actors and moving music,but it can also attract you to imagine what will happen.Because it has a good enough story,flat but not mediocre.
First:When Chris see the Graffiti 「happyness」 on the wall,he said :There is no y in happiness, There is i (y is Why). This line setup is extremely clever,Ii also conveys aims throughout the entire film.Yes,there is no "why" in happiness,Only their own in happiness.Blaming others for happier than themselves is meaningless.Happy can only be obtained by their own.
Second:When the film began,Chris was pushed forward by crowds on the street.Only he flet lost in the smiling faces.But,towards the end of the film,Chris was in that place again with smiling tears on his face,and he applauded for himself.After the suffering, grief, abandonment, abjection, helplessness, despair,Chris got great time with patience, effort and never give up attitude of life.So the moment when he passed through the trial period,Chris was happy.

㈥ 美國好看的電影


㈦ 英語簡述電影《當幸福來敲門》

In 1981, in San Francisco, the smart salesman and family man Chris Gardner invests the family savings in Osteo National bone-density scanners, an apparatus twice as expensive as an x-ray machine but with a slightly clearer image. This white elephant financially breaks the family, bringing troubles to his relationship with his wife Linda, who leaves him and moves to New York where she has received a job in a pizza parlor. She wishes to take their son Christopher with her, but Chris refuses because they both know that Linda will be unable to take care of him.

Without money or a wife, but totally committed to his son Christopher, Chris sees the chance to fight for a stockbroker internship position at Dean Witter, offering a more promising career at the end of a six month unpaid training period. There are nineteen other candidates for the one position. Meanwhile, he encounters many challenges and difficulties, including a period of homelessness and troubles with the IRS.

In the San Francisco Chronicle, Mick LaSalle observed, "The great surprise of the picture is that it's not corny . . . The beauty of the film is its honesty. In its outlines, it's nothing like the usual success story depicted onscreen, in which, after a reasonable interval of disappointment, success arrives wrapped in a ribbon and a bow. Instead, this success story follows the pattern most common in life - it chronicles a series of soul-sickening failures and defeats, missed opportunities, sure things that didn't quite happen, all of which are accompanied by a concomitant accretion of barely perceptible victories that graally amount to something. In other words, it all feels real."

Manohla Dargis of The New York Times called the film "a fairy tale in realist drag . . . the kind of entertainment that goes down smoothly until it gets stuck in your craw . . . It's the same old bootstraps story, an American dream artfully told, skillfully sold. To that calculated end, the filmmaking is seamless, unadorned, transparent, the better to serve Mr. Smith's warm expressiveness . . . How you respond to this man's moving story may depend on whether you find Mr. Smith's and his son's performances so overwhelmingly winning that you buy the idea that poverty is a function of bad luck and bad choices, and success the result of heroic toil and dreams."

Peter Travers of Rolling Stone awarded the film three out of a possible four stars and commented, "Will Smith is on the march toward Oscar . . . [His] role needs gravity, smarts, charm, humor and a soul that's not synthetic. Smith brings it. He's the real deal."

In Variety, Brian Lowry said the film "is more inspirational than creatively inspired—imbued with the kind of uplifting, afterschool-special qualities that can trigger a major toothache . . . Smith's heartfelt performance is easy to admire. But the movie's painfully earnest tone should skew its appeal to the portion of the audience that, admittedly, has catapulted many cloying TV movies into hits . . . In the final accounting, [it] winds up being a little like the determined salesman Mr. Gardner himself: easy to root for, certainly, but not that much fun to spend time with."

Kevin Crust of the Los Angeles Times stated, "Dramatically it lacks the layering of a Kramer vs. Kramer, which it superficially resembles . . . Though the subject matter is serious, the film itself is rather slight, and it relies on the actor to give it any energy. Even in a more modest register, Smith is a very appealing leading man, and he makes Gardner's plight compelling . . . The Pursuit of Happyness is an unexceptional film with exceptional performances . . . There are worse ways to spend the holidays, and, at the least, it will likely make you appreciate your own circumstances."

In the St. Petersburg Times, Steve Persall graded the film B- and added, "[It] is the obligatory feel-good drama of the holiday season and takes that responsibility a bit too seriously . . . the film lays so many obstacles and solutions before its resilient hero that the volume of sentimentality and coincidence makes it feel suspect . . . Neither Conrad's script nor Muccino's rendant direction shows [what] lifted the real-life Chris above better ecated and more experienced candidates, but it comes through in the earnest performances of the two Smiths. Father Will seldom comes across this mature on screen; at the finale, he achieves a measure of Oscar-worthy emotion. Little Jaden is a chip off the old block, uncommonly at ease before the cameras. Their real-life bond is an inestimable asset to the onscreen characters' relationship, although Conrad never really tests it with any conflict."

National Review Online has named the film in its list of 'The Best Conservative Movies'. Linda Chavez of the Center for Equal Opportunity wrote, "this film provides the perfect antidote to Wall Street and other Hollywood diatribes depicting the world of finance as filled with nothing but greed."

I have been a fan of Will Smith for years and I have to say this may be his best film yet! "The Pursuit of Happiness" is just a wonderful (based on a true) story, full of adventure, hope, and pain. I saw the movie last night in a packed theater. Big Willie Weekend has returned, and for good reason! It's a great movie to see ring the holidays and definitely a tear-jerker! Perfect for a date, a night out with friends, or even with family. If you ever thought Will Smith really couldn't act (and shame on you!), you'll think otherwise once you see this movie. You can really feel what he's going through just by looking in his eyes. And Jaden Smith is too adorable! Their on screen chemistry is almost unbearable to watch! Go see this movie! Great acting, great directing, great writing...you won't regret it!

㈧ 你有沒有因為一個片段看了一整部電影



剛開始在網上看到的片段是電影和真實Live Aid 現場的對比,看完之後就去看了全部,可以說是驚艷吧,皇後的歌迷一定會非常喜歡,很催淚的一段。音樂有時候賦予人的不只有動聽的感受,還有情感,不得不說,被感觸到了!

㈨ 有哪些催淚電影曾讓你一個人在深夜痛哭


㈩ 找一個電影名




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