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1. 芭比系列電影插曲有哪些哪裡可以聽到哪裡可以找到歌詞

. Barbie in the nutcracker(2001)[芭比與胡桃夾子的夢幻之旅]
2. Barbie as Rapunzel(2002)[芭比之長發公主]
3. Barbie of swan lake(2003) [芭比之天鵝湖]
4. Barbie as the princess and the pauper(2004)[芭比之真假公主]
5. Barbie Fairytopia(2005)[ 芭比之夢幻仙境]
6. Barbie and the magic of the pegasus(2005)[芭比之魔幻飛馬]
7. Barbie Fairytopia; Mermaidia(2006)[ 芭比夢幻仙境之美人魚]
8. The Barbie Diaries(2006)[芭比之奇幻日記]
9. Barbie in the 12 dancing princess(2006)[芭比之十二芭蕾舞公主]
10. Barbie Fairytopia; Magic of the rainbiw(2007)[ 芭比夢幻仙境之魔法彩虹]
11. Barbie as the Island princess(2007)[芭比之森林公主]
12. Barbie Mariposa(2008)[芭比之蝴蝶仙子]
13. Barbie and the diamond castle(2008)[芭比之鑽石城堡]
14. Barbie in a cristmas carol(2008)[芭比之聖誕頌歌]
15. Barbie Mariposa: Gold Wand(2009)[芭比蝴蝶仙子之金色魔杖]
16. Barbie Fairytopia; Magical twist of time(2009)[ 芭比夢幻仙境之時光倒流]
17. Barbie as the sleeping beauty(2009)[芭比之睡美人]
18. Barbie as Cinderella(2009)[芭比之灰姑娘]
19. Barbie Fairytopia: Thumbelina(2010)[ 芭比夢幻仙境之拇指姑娘]
20. Barbie as the three princess sisters(2010)[芭比與三個公主姐妹]
21. Barbie as the Mermaid princess(2011)[芭比之人魚公主]
22. Barbie and the Magical rainbow princess(2011)[芭比之魔法彩虹公主]
23. Barbie of the Crystal river(2011)[芭比之水晶河]
24. Barbie as Elisabella(2012)[芭比之伊麗莎白]
25. Barbie snow white(2012)[芭比之白雪公主]
26. Barbie in the princess and the pea(2012)[芭比之豌豆公主]
27. Barbie and the select garden(2013)[芭比之秘密花園]
28. Barbie in the black beauty(2013)[芭比之黑美人]
29. Barbie and the snow queen(2014)[芭比之白雪皇後]
30. Barbie and the Magic of the crystals(2015)[芭比之魔法水晶]

2. 十大經典電影插曲

·《I Will Always Love You》,《我將永遠愛你》,電影《保鏢》插曲,演唱惠特妮·休斯敦。

·《Scarborough Fair》,《斯卡布羅市集》,電影《畢業生》主題曲,原唱保羅·西蒙。

·《Unchained Melody 》,《奔放的旋律》,電影《人鬼情未了》主題曲,原唱正直兄弟組合,即比爾·梅德利和博比·海特菲爾德。


·《The Sound of Silence》,中文《寂靜之聲》,原唱保羅·西蒙和加芬克爾,由於原唱年代過於久遠,歌聲效果不完美,所以後來多米妮加曾翻唱過,因此你聽過某些版本是女聲。

·《My Heart will go on》 中文《我心永恆》,電影《泰坦尼克號》的主題曲,席琳·迪翁演唱。

·《Rhythm Of The Rain》,中文《雨中節奏》,原唱約翰·甘默。




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