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發布時間:2023-09-10 20:00:27

① 電影戀愛中的德古拉伯爵上映時間,什麼時候上映

◎片名Dracula in Love
◎IMDb評分 2.2/10 from 137 users
◎IMDb鏈接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7830584/
◎豆瓣評分0/10 from 0 users
◎導演Izidore K. Musallam
◎編劇Izidore K. Musallam
◎主演Youssef Abed-Alnour
Amy Cruichshank
Josh Maltin
Cailey Muise
André Luiz Oliveira
Alan K. Sapp
Eyal Simko


Leila| a lonely young soul spends the night partying with her friends Nancy| David and Nash in a warehouse. As the boys drink up and smoke pot all social barriersbetween the sexes crumble. Leila| hit on by both men| hides away from them. Alone shesenses there is someone else who wants her and certainly he is not of thisworld. A 200 year old Dracula escapes from a crate and reveals himself to Leila and tells her that she is his lost love. For him to live again and be with her| shemust bring him the blood of her friends to drink and make love to him. Hypnotized by his sexual powers| Leila does as she is told. Leila and a handsome young Dracula get away and live happily ever after.



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