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發布時間:2022-04-04 13:08:30

A. 《佐羅》電影系列哪部最經典啊


B. 求美版的佐羅動畫片


C. 求佐羅相關電影


D. 有關佐羅的電影


E. 有關佐羅的電影一個有幾部


F. 佐羅的電影推薦

佐羅的面具 黑俠佐羅

G. 佐羅系列電影系列

The Mark of Zorro (1920), with Douglas Fairbanks
Don Q, Son of Zorro (1925), with Douglas Fairbanks
The Bold Caballero (1936), with Robert Livingstone
Zorro's Fighting Legion (1939), with Reed Hadley
The Mark of Zorro (1940), with Tyrone Power
The Sign of Zorro (1958), with Guy Williams, portions of the first 13 Zorro TV series episodes edited into a feature film, released overseas in 1958 and domestically in 1960.
Zorro The Avenger (1959), with Guy Williams, another theatrical compilation of several Zorro TV episodes, released overseas, and was not seen in the United States until it was eventually aired on the Disney Channel.
Zorro (1961) and The Shadow of Zorro (aka Zorro the Avenger) (1962), two Spanish features starring Frank Latimore.[2]
La Gran Aventura del Zorro (1974), Mexican Western with Rodolfo de Anda, the first Mexican actor to play the role; with Pedro Armendáriz Jr as the villain and set in a very primitive San Francisco Bay Area.
Zorro (1975), Zorro meets the spaghetti western, with Alain Delon as Don Diego fighting the corrupt Colonel Huerta.
Zorro, The Gay Blade (1981), a parody, with George Hamilton. Diego, Jr., breaks his leg shortly after launching his career as a new Zorro, and his gay twin brother Ramon, now calling himself Bunny Wigglesworth, volunteers to fill in while he recuperates.
The Mask of Zorro (1998), played against tradition, with Anthony Hopkins as an aged Diego de la Vega and Antonio Banderas as Alejandro Murrieta, a misfit outlaw who is groomed to become the next Zorro.
The Legend of Zorro (2005), the sequel to the 1998 The Mask of Zorro, again starring Antonio Banderas.

[edit] Film serials
Zorro Rides Again (1937), with John Carroll as a modern-day descendant, Jim Vega
Zorro's Fighting Legion (1939), with Reed Hadley
Zorro's Black Whip (1944), with Linda Stirling as an 1880s female descendent, The Black Whip
Son of Zorro (1947), with George Turner
Ghost of Zorro (1949), with Clayton Moore

H. 關於佐羅電影一共有幾部


I. 一共有幾部關於佐羅的電影啊





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